Job training program offers ex-offenders a second chance

All who graduate are guaranteed a job at a partnering store. Anywhere from 300 to 500 ex-offenders listened intently during Temple’s open house for a six-week job training program specifically for ex-offenders, which provides them with a rare opportunity for a...

Local program guarantees jobs and second chances

The day started off like any other graduation. Senator Vincent Hughes encouraged the graduates reminding them “You have to send a message to other people that they can do it too. You have to send a message that no matter how difficult it may seem that they can...

Program gives formerly incarcerated second chance

A group of 22 formerly incarcerated individuals are gearing up to re-enter the workforce. The group was the first cohort to graduate from the UpLift Workforce Solutions program, an initiative designed to create employment opportunities for returning citizens in the...