Partners in Training Program
The Uplift Workforce Solutions Partners in Training Program is a comprehensive training program designed to provide the requisite training and employment opportunities for re-entering citizens in and around Philadelphia to successfully reintegrate. The program focuses on developing both hard and soft skills of the re-entering citizens; whereas each participant that successfully completes the six-week classroom portion of the program will be directly hired by a partner employer. The objective of the Partners in Training Program is to provide re-entering citizens life skills, job readiness skills, and technical skills within targeted industries; and long-term permanent employment with a goal of reducing the likelihood of them re-offending and ultimately reducing long-term poverty.
Program Description
The UpLift Workforce Solutions Partners in Training Program is designed to provide formerly incarcerated individuals an opportunity to gain long-term employment through the remediation of negative thought patterns, poor decision making and bad habits. The program is built on the foundation of life-skills training with a progression into technical-skills training. The program is a combination of classroom instruction, hands on experience, and on-the-job support. Participants are required to complete an entrance survey that will inform the classroom instruction relative to life-skills training and social-services support. Participants are asked if they’ve completed their GED, have a driver’s license or State ID, and if they’re registered to vote. The program provides support on finding GED classes, taking their driving permit exam, applying for a State ID, registering to vote. Additionally, program participants will maintain engagement with case management personnel throughout their employment.
Email Lauren Ruday at: [email protected]